I started this book while on my honeymoon at the end of August. I was so excited to start reading again, because I have discovered that being a married woman that works full time, does NOT have time to read. So I was kind of bummed that this is the book I chose. Although there were some crazy twists in the story, it got off to such a slow start. I have always been a fan of Oprah's Book Club and that's where I got the name of this one. Have any of you read this? If so, what is your opinion on it? What do you recommend I read next?
"The book of bright idea's" by Sandra Kringe!!! It's my all time favorite! She has a new book that I've been waiting for literally ALL year long that came out this month! :D I can't wait to read it! It's her 3rd book, the first is also really good and it's called, "Carry me home" ... seriously, I *love* her books so much! You fall in love with not only one, but every single one of the characters! Here is the link to the book on Amazon, but I usually buy them at Target! :D
BTW - I started reading the pilots wife too and could not get into it either.. you wont have that problem with Sandra's books! :D
Ok- I can totally give you book ideas. I LOVE to read. I just finished The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.. (Literally this morning. Some advice: if you read it, don't finish it at work when you just put on eyeliner.) It was phenomenal. Another great book I read this summer was Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. Candace Bushnell (author of Sex & the City) writes really great book. Four Blondes, Trading Up, and Lipstick Jungle by her were all great. Oooo or The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho was great!! Actually most of his books are really great. Or ANYTHING by Mitch Albom. If you want something really great that will kind of help you indirectly deal with your Dad's death, read The Five People You Meet in Heaven or For One More Day.
Soooo good!
Ok, I can go on forever but I think I gave you some good ones to start with!!
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