Today was one of those days where I just honestly did NOT want to get up to come to work. As I layed underneath my warm covers I thought to myself, what could really happen if I didn't go? What lie could I make up or what story could I tell? As I sit at my desk I HATE that I am here. I yearn for my bed. It is a chilly day here in San Francisco and I wish so badly that I could snuggle up with my sheets!! I am just simply exhausted. Drained. Run down. I wonder if it is all the stress of my wedding, honeymoon, finances, and death of my dad creeping up on me. I still haven't grieved yet and I don't think I am going to get the chance. I need a mental health day so badly! What keeps you motivated when you are ready to just throw in the towel??
1 comment:
You just might need a day to break. To spend time alone in your house doing whatever the Lord draws you to. you might make a gigantic batch of chocolate chip cookies. You might enjoy time in bed watching old DVD's, or you might spend time browsing through old photos. Cry, please Britt. Cry hard, you will feel better, I promise. Talk about your dad. Why don't you do another post about him. How about one a week. you do not always have to post a photo, but you could just do a memory. Will you tell the story about the softball game when he climbed the pole to watch you? I have to hear it! Stop talking yourself into hating work. Who else gets to blog and work? Facebook and work? Who lives that close to their job? hum! There are benefits even though it is boring. Stop being negative, but find a new job! xoxo
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