I don't really know if many of you know this, but my husband is a biker. He is so in love with his Harley it makes me sick. He goes in the garage at night and whispers "Goodnight Baby!" It is so funny! I was so incredibly scared to get on his bike when I met him. I made him promise not to go too fast! What did he do? He popped a freakin' wheely right as we took off! What the heck?? But as time goes on, I am starting to like it more and more. I think I like it because he likes it, and I know it is his favorite past time! Many people ask him when I am going to "MAKE" him sell his bike. I interrupt and say, I am not going to "MAKE" him do anything. I hear that all too often that wives completely take over and try to change their husbands as time goes on. I do not want to be that wife. I am the cool wife! I am not going to lie, but my husband is freakin' hot! See I told you guys I had a thing for the "bad boy look!"
you crack me up! way to let your man be who he is. but check it out, i think he will probably love that harley until his twilight days. i have 3 uncles here who all own bmw motorcycles and they are in their fifties! they love taking long weekend trips ... or in the summer, longer camping trips. just the guys on their bikes. my aunties (their wives) pretty much just accept their love affair with the motorcycles. every now and then, they'll ride on the back --- but i think they know that a man's love for his bike is a sacred thing that a woman (who isn't into bikes and is just a spectator) won't understand fully.
yep, i don't think they EVER grow out of it. ;-)
Okay, you have the tought biker boy and I have the speedster biker boy. Come on, Scott's dad died on a bike. You would think I would have issues. I want my hubs ot be happy. When he is happy, he brings that home to the girls and I. Aaron had that baby before you and I am pretty sure he will have it when he is 90. I am proud of you for supporting your hubby and getting on that bike. I have not gotten on the rocket yet. I am chicken!
Does he have the good luck bell to protect him from "road spirits?" It's a Harley tradition that a loved one must buy the bell and it will protect him when he rides. He can't buy it himself or it won't work.
My dad rides. I bought him one at the Harley store. If Aaron doesn't have one, there's a good stocking stuffer!
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