With Aaron in the academy and working a full time job, with Christian here 3-4 days a week, and with the twins here 24/7, it is a very fair statement to say that Aaron and I have very minimal ALONE time. With our schedules as busy as they are and with the lack of funds to hire a sitter, we just don't get to be "just together." So since LivingSocial ran the special for 2 movie tickets for $9 bucks, I snagged them. Aaron called his Mom and asked her if she could babysit, and last Tuesday we got to have a date night! We were so excited to just GO! We started the night off at a restaurant called B Street & Vine and had dinner and a show! The seating is very intimate at this restaurant and we had a pair of weirdos sitting next to us. It was a couple in their mid 30's and at first everything seemed normal. Then we heard them discussing each of their relationships at home with their spouses and how his wife was a B**** and her husband was an A-hole! Aaron sent me a text message that read "Ashley Madison?" He was referring to a website that is designed for people who are married that want to meet people who they would like to have an affair with! It was sooo true and Aaron and I just sat back enjoyed our bottle of wine and our yummy food and took it all in! It was a riot! Before our movie we stopped by Sweet Orchid and had some cappuchino & dessert. It was a cute little place that just opened. It was delish so I think we will go back. Finally we got to the movie, Super 8. Since it was around 10pm it was WAY past our bedtime and we had a hard time staying awake. But all in all, it was a great date night and I hope we are able to do that more often. Gotta keep the spark alive ya know what I'm sayin?! =)
we are always around. literally. i know we're kinda far from ya, but we would be more then happy to be the "sitter" free of charge. keep us in mind. everyone needs a date night!!
How sweet! Next time we will join you two.
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