Christian is so excited to be a Big Brother!

My amazing sister in law Crystal aka the party planner

My adorable hubby and I
The SLO crew came for my baby shower!
Get it? DOUBLEmint!!
My baby daddy! AKA Sperm haha
Famous Duos..the best baby shower game ever!
Oh my goodness I can taste it now...tiramisu MY FAVORITE!
I was blessed to have an amazing sister in law and mother in law to plan a second baby shower for me! It was at my mother in law's house in South San Francisco. It was so fun and laid back! As everyone came in they gave them a name tag and people had to chose a word that has to deal with babies or the birthing process. After they chose it, they were told that their new name would be the word! If anyone called them by their "real" name, they could steal that person's clothes pin! I was lucky enough to have the name "Poop" and my hubby got named "Sperm!" Christian came in and wanted to play so he was called "offspring!" (He still gets annoyed when you call him Christian...he says in a stern voice "My name is OFFSPRING!" (Too cute!) Anyway, we played some fun games and ate yummy food! My sister in law got me the best cake ever...TIRAMISU...my favorite! I have gestational diabetes but it didn't stop me! Thank you ladies for a great day!
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