Do you think there is a problem with the water?

The landlord doesn't seem to think so....
We are in the middle of a move right now. I am pregnant and I cannot do much. My family is up here from Fresno to help. Let me just say this new house we have is a hot mess and everyone is in a bad mood. I don't think my husband has ever been a bigger jerk than he has been the last few days. I know he is 100% stressed to the max because of everything he is doing (and believe me he is working his butt off) but seriously....he needs to check his attitude. My husband has a serious case of OCD...so everything he does needs to be perfect. We have different priorities concerning this move which cause us to butt heads. We have ran into a few snags...the water heater is bad and the landlord refuses to think it is bad because his daughter who lived here prior to us moving in never had a problem with it. There are wood panel walls and sloppy paint everywhere. Today my mom and Step dad painted over a tacky looking green kitchen with a nice cocoa shade. Then my mom sanded down all the cabinets and repainted them so they look fresh and clean. Aaron dealt with the plumbing problems and his friend Matt and Kurt came to help. Aaron attempted to paint our room and it was hideous, so I had to come up with a lie so Home Depot would return the 45 dollar paint!! Hopefully tomorrow will go smoother. Thank God for the 3 day weekend....
Oh my, that water looks bad! I hope things start to go much smoother and that the landlord suddenly has a complete change of heart about everything!
the water in your tub and sink looks like that scene from Ghostbusters!! LOL
that's disgusting!!
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