This year we decided to be sporadic and drive to Fresno to be with my family for Christmas Eve, and then back to the Bay Area for Christmas morning to be with Aaron's family. Many people think we must be insane to do such a thing with month old babies, but we decided to go for it. For Christmas my hubby got me a new Volvo SUV. I am happy to have a safe, yet sporty vehicle to lug all the baby stuff as well as the babies! Things were going well for us until we were ready for bed on Christmas night. I started feeling nauseous and Aaron complained of a sore throat and a major headache. Not long after I went to bed, I was up and sprinting for the bathroom. It seems like I had the flu (which annoyes me because I got the flu shot!)...I had to basically sleep on the bathroom floor. I was really upset about the whole ordeal because I did not want to get the babies sick. Thank goodness for Mother in Laws. She rushed right over and stayed up with the boys all day and all night. She cleaned, cooked, and made bottles and fed the boys every 3 hours!! We would not have been able to do it without her. I am feeling better but have a migraine. The boys seem to be doing well, thank God! I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas!