So I absolutly went bazurko and splurged on a 2nd wedding dress for our wedding! I don't know what I was thinking considering the blog I posted before this one talks about how my money tree won't grow! I saw this dress at a Boutique in Burlingame and they didnt have my size. I searched online and found it at Bloomingdales. The picture doesn't do it justice because in person it is so glamourous! I love it! The only bad thing is that it was $350 big ones! I feel like I am being completely selfish by making this purchase so this may have to be returned at a later date. It is backordered and won't be here until July 27! My wedding is August 2nd so lets hope it makes it on time! What do you think? Have no money in the bank, or keep the pretty BCBG dress???
I totally dig it and I can justify any shopping spree.
Ok so this is so something i would do and Im sure jeremiah would say I've done it plenty of times ..... but we are women and we love to shop. So sue us! All I can say from experiance with the money issues is think long and hard if that dress is worth the fight that might stem from it's purchase...
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