Today I am breaking out of my house and going to my in laws who live like 3 minutes away. We are celebrating 2 birthdays. I have to go and lay down on the couch the whole time but am seriously happy to be breaking out of my house! I need a change of scenery bad.
Why are these babies beating the crap out of each other in my stomach? I put my cell phone on my belly and one of them kicked it off! These boys arent even out yet and they are rambunctious!
My new landlord still has not replied to the email I sent him regarding the new carpet. UGH! WTH?!?!?
I need a long expensive pedicure BADLY! My toes are lookin' rough!
Peeve: WHY aren't people rsvp'ing to my Fresno baby shower? I just don't get it! I guess I am just so anal about rsvp'ing that I do it the day I get an invitation in the mail!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hoping and Praying for Change!
Aaron and I have already signed the rental agreement for our new place in San Mateo. Bigger house, nicer neighborhood and better weather, and WAY better schools. Our current landlord is so mellow and laid back. We fear that he new one is not the same. In my opinion he seems to fear change and seems to think that wood panel walls and chocolate brown shag carpet with stains that hasn't been changed for a good 20 plus years is suitable. We did sign the rental agreement but simply because we need more space for all these kids we are about to have! It was a reasonably priced property so we can't really complain! I sacked up and just sent this email to the new landlord! What do you think his response will be??
Hello John-
I wanted to thank you for giving Aaron the keys early. As he told you, I was admitted into the hospital so it seems as though he will be doing all of the moving and packing himself! We were discussing the house and were curious if you had ever considered getting new carpet or new flooring? We have a friend who works at Lowe's who said we could most likely get brand new carpet throughout the entire house as well as installation for under $1500. We plan on living in your house for a while and are only interested in doing repairs or upgrades that boost your property value. The conversation came up when we were discussing the fact that soon we are going to have two premature babies whose primary place to be will be crawling around the floor and we were just worried about it being clean enough and safe enough for them to do that. We really take pride in where we currently live and plan to do the same at your property. We don't want to bombard you with requests or demands, we simply wanted to throw it out there to get your feedback because we know it never hurts to ask! Hope you guys have a good weekend and hope to hear from you soon!
Hello John-
I wanted to thank you for giving Aaron the keys early. As he told you, I was admitted into the hospital so it seems as though he will be doing all of the moving and packing himself! We were discussing the house and were curious if you had ever considered getting new carpet or new flooring? We have a friend who works at Lowe's who said we could most likely get brand new carpet throughout the entire house as well as installation for under $1500. We plan on living in your house for a while and are only interested in doing repairs or upgrades that boost your property value. The conversation came up when we were discussing the fact that soon we are going to have two premature babies whose primary place to be will be crawling around the floor and we were just worried about it being clean enough and safe enough for them to do that. We really take pride in where we currently live and plan to do the same at your property. We don't want to bombard you with requests or demands, we simply wanted to throw it out there to get your feedback because we know it never hurts to ask! Hope you guys have a good weekend and hope to hear from you soon!
Getting Sick of Bed rest-Day 6
This whole getting NO sleep thing is really starting to irritate me. My back aches soooo much and it feels like it is just going to snap! I yearn for a new mattress. We sleep on the same mattress now that was purchased for me by my dad as I went into the 7th grade. I would say it is time for a new one. The next one will DEFINITELY be a King because I hate touching when it is time for rest. I am so indecisive about what I I want a firm one or a pillow top? Ahh who knows! All I know is that I don't think the bed rest is helping out with the back pain. I day dream about being at Burke Williams Day Spa in the City! First I would have a milk bath and then I would have a Pure relaxation massage and probably add on a foot rub! I told Aaron as he left for work this morning that no matter what the cost, I WILL indeed be treating myself to that once this bambinos are born and are free and clear of any health risks. Today my caregiver comes. Aaron read the list I made for her and said I didnt sound very nice. I hope he was just being very critical and I hope she thinks I am not too demanding! I will update later to let you know how it goes! ~B
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Bed Rest at Home-Day 5

Today I was actually getting stuff done and being productive from my bed. I composed a list of every single credit card, utility company, health and auto insurance company, etc. and got their contact info so that I can call and change our address with each company. Tomorrow I have my first visit with the nurse/home health care aid. I was instructed to write her a list of what I need help with so I hope she doesn't think I am too demanding. I really am so thankful to my Aunt Cindy for this gift. Without her, this help would not have been possible for us and I know it is going to be a big relief off of Aaron's shoulders! I was a bit bummed out to see that the bedding and all the accessories I registered for at are being discontinued and only have limited stock available. I really love this bedding now that I have gotten used to it. I am just torn! Do I register for new bedding or just hope for the best? I need your opinion! Look at the bedding and vote on what wall color you think would go well with it! Since I am on bed rest, I am going to have Aaron run out and grab me paint samples so he can work on the nursery at the new house! Thanks guys!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bed Rest-Day 4
Today my sister-in-law Crystal, nephew Silas, friend Katrina, and her son Alex came over to hang out with me. I enjoyed the company and hearing them talk made me forget about the fact that I am laid up here on bed rest. My amazing Aunt Cindy who is always going way out of her way for people blessed me with the assistance of a home health care aid for a few weeks until we know what is going on with this whole bed rest/cervix situation. Basically what they will do is come here 2 days a week and be here while I take a shower in case I fall and crack my head open, be here to make lunch and prepare dinner so that Aaron doesn't have to worry about that when he gets home. They will also help with laundry and light cleaning. This is going to be a HUGE help to us because Aaron is spread way too thin with working full time, being a Father, husband, house cleaner, chef, mover, etc. I feel so helpless just laying here when there is so much that needs to be done before the big move. Well my hubs just got home and we are about to watch the move Obsessed with Beyonce....until tomorrow my friends, goodnight!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Bed Rest-Day 3

As most of you know I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I got diagnosed way early on during pregnancy so I have not been able to fulfill many of the cravings I have had. While in the hospital the docs decided I needed to inject myself with insulin shots so now thats what I do. But for the past week, I have been craving a zucchini walnut muffin from Starbucks like no other! Finally I said forget the stupid gestational diabetes and someone get me my muffin! My hubs goes to Starbucks pleading to the baristas that his prego wife is going to kill him if he doesn't bring home the muffin....what do you know, they are out! THEN today like a psycho I had enough. I called a gazillion different Starbucks asking if they had this muffin and they didnt! SO ANNOYING! My husband comes home at 2:45 and you know what he has??? Not 1, but 3 zucchini walnut muffins as well as a Venti Iced Nonfat Sugar Free Vanilla Latte with Decaf coffee! I am in Heaven people!!!!! He had driven all over San Francisco searching for my muffin! Isnt that a good husband??
Hospitals SUCK

Here is a pic of me in my boring hospital room! Aaron brought my own blanket to make me feel more at home!
I was only in the hospital Monday-Friday. I will tell you that staying in the hospital equals getting NO SLEEP at all! The most annoying part is when the nurse comes in every 3 hours and attempts to find both babies heart beats at the same time. I could see if they were in danger but the problem was my cervix...not the babies heartbeats. As of now the babies are healthy as can be! Twin A is 14 ounces and Twin B is a whopping 1 pound! The swim around like little fish and I constantly feel movement...(mostly when I eat!) I understand it is protocol and they are just doing their job, but it is sooo time consuming and some nurses are just down right terrible at using a doppler! I am happy to be home even if I am on bed rest!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Adventures of Pregnancy
Well I have been at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco since Monday afternoon. I came in for a routine Dr. appt, when they discovered that my cervix had shortened from a -3.1 to a -1.8 in 2 weeks. They instantly admitted me and let me know that the following day I would be have a cerclage put in. (SURGERY on the cervix). My mom and stepdad drove up from Fresno to help Aaron out because we are in the middle of a move. I felt really bad for Aaron because on Tuesday, Christian started kindergarten and Aaron was torn between staying home with him and staying here with me. The choice was obvious because I am a grown adult and Christian is 5! Aaron just had a hard time leaving me here alone overnight. So the surgery went well and my cervix is holding up. It turns out that I was actually dialated to a 1 when they went into put in the cerclage. Unfortunatly, the spinal that they gave me prior to the surgery caused stress on my back and now I cant leave the hospital because they fear I am experiencing back labor. It is basically like regular labor except my back is experiencing most of the pain. I have been taking vicodin and that numbs the pain but as soon as it wears off, it hurts again. I pray that the babies stay in until atleast 30 weeks. I am 22 weeks today. 40 weeks is full term, but atleast if they are born at 30 weeks, they have a much better chance at surviving than they would if they were born now. Baby A is turned and ready to come out. He is putting a lot of pressure on my cervix and so in order for the cervix not to open, I have to stay on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. Since I have gestational diabetes, I am having a nutritionist show me how to give myself insulin shots this afternoon. (I am really not looking forward to that!) I am so thankful for all of the text messages, phone calls, emails, etc. that people have been sending. I feel bad that I havent had a chance to personally address every single person to thank them! The boys and I appreciate your prayers and will continue to keep you updated!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The small stuff
Since I am pregnant I am 500% more emotional than usual. I am thinking about things that are completely random and am being way too philosophical for my own good. One thing that has really bothered me lately, is the fact that I just realized that most of the people I know who are full of depth and substance, have all endured some sort of major loss or hardship in their life. I was randomly looking at blogs today and came across one about this wife who lost her husband. She is raising her 7 year old son all alone. She is blogging about her life without her man and is being so open about her feelings. She talks about the little things she misses that she used to take for granted. I sat here reading on and on and just felt my eyes swell up with tears. What would life be like without my husband? I could NOT imagine it. He is my life. I am not saying we don't fight or get into the most ridiculous arguments ever, but he is still my life and I love him to death. He is laying in the other room napping with his son as we speak, and I want to just go lay by him. I do not even know that woman, but I hate that she is going through this pain. Today just really made me realize, that we REALLY should NOT sweat the small stuff.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On August 2, 2009 my hubby and I celebrated 1 year of marriage! We went to Monterey, Carmel, and Santa Cruz just to get away! We had a great time! We met eachother on August 2, 2007 and it seems like just yesterday! We have come so far and have overcome so many trials and tribulations in such a short time. I love my hubs so much and am so blessed that he chose me. Love you babe, thanks for a great anniversary! XOXO!
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