Thursday, September 25, 2008
Some idiot keeps writing "Anonymous" comments on my blog. They always comment on things that have to do with speaking my "OPINION" that I am entitled to have, in regards to the town of South San Francisco. It cracks me up because they are too chicken Sh*t to write their name on their posts, which leads me to believe they are just another random South City piece of trash that is fakin' the front and is super two faced! I probably know this person and they probably act like we are best friends! Thats why I don't trust a single person in this town except for my husband! I am just glad that this person proves my point everytime they leave me a comment! :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Our first sorta-kinda family night!

Blogging has opened me up to a world of new ideas. I first discovered family nights by exploring random blogs that were on my cousin Mish's blog. (Aka Fitz Crew) At first I thought it wouldn't work for our family, considering we only have Christian Tuesday & Thursday from 4-8:30 and every other weekend. But then I had a revelation! If we only have him for such a short time, why don't we explore "family nights" so that we enrich our time together while he is here?? So here is how tonight went: Nothing fancy, just some old fashioned Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie makin' with Chef Christian, Steppie, and Dad! Aaron insisted that I wear an Apron, so I thought it would be clever to have Christian BEG him to wear my Domestic Diva apron! Of course he couldn't turn down his begging 4 year old!!! As you can tell, Aaron was thrilled!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Stupid Bounty Hunter
I had the biggest melt down last night. I cried the cry where you struggle to catch your breath. When I got home from work yesterday I checked my mailbox like any other day. There sat my dad's death certificate. I opened it and felt like someone punched me repeatedly in my tummy. I read it over about 6 times and then hid it. I still have not really and truly grieved over my dad. I pretend nothing has changed and that he is in Clovis at his house and I am 3.5 hours away in San Francisco. I think any minute, he will call. Aaron was away at a side job and there was tons of stuff I should have done...for example, laundry, dishes, dust, etc. Instead, I sat on the floor and felt sorry for myself, but still no tears, no emotion. Aaron finally got home and we went to lay in bed. He turned on the tv and we preceded to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter, a show we love. This episode was about how Beth goes to visit her dad who is about to die. Then he died. I yelled "I don't want to watch this." Aaron quickly changes it, but it is too late. The snot and tears began to pour. Aaron thinks I am nuts. I don't talk about my problems because I have to be the rock for our small family. I can't show weakness because then they won't feel like everything is ok...I hate everything right now and am frankly pretty depressed. Can I fly back to Hawaii? ~B
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our New Goal!

For those of you who are familiar with the bay area, you know that housing prices are through the roof. Since I am from Fresno, I know that a suburban house for $300,000 is definitely do-able! I moved here for Aaron 2 years ago, and frankly am just tired of the area. I have tried to make the best out of it, but I am depressed here. I don't mean to sound like a snob, but I live in the ghetto. Last week I went to the Megan's Law website to check how many sex offenders were in a 2 mile radius of my home. 17! Did you see that? I said 17!!! Aaron is born and raised here and before I showed him my hometown he was reppin' South City! all I can say! Many people from here are sheltered and uneducated. That is not something I want for myself, nor my family. People that are from here, usually don't leave here do to lack of options. Aaron and I have gone back and forth about it because he would love to have a suburban home, but cannot bear to move away from his son who is 4. That is when we discovered Tracy, CA. Our best friends Danny,Jessica, and their son Daylon, just bought a house out there. This past weekend we went there to visit them. We took the Bay Bridge (big mistake) and got there an hour and 40 minutes later. We took Christian too, so he could play with Daylon. We had the best time with our dear friends and Christian had a ball playing with the kids. Aaron and I explored the town. The houses were huge, and there were tons of foreclosures low in price. The town is clean, and better yet, is only an hour away from the city. Our goal is to buy a home there and Aaron will commute. He has to be at work at 6:30am anyway, so at that time, there will be no traffic. On Tuesdays and Thursdays when he has his son, he will just stay the night at his moms house in South San Francisco. On the weekends we have him, Aaron will just pick him up after work and take him to Tracy. The house I posted pics of is on Danny and Jessica's street. It is 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, and is 2500 square feet. It is going for 301,000. Not bad for a first home! What do you think???
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering the Victims of September 11, 2001

On September 11, 2001 I was sitting in my Law, Order, and Policy class at the Center for Advanced Research and Technology in Clovis, when my teachers turned on the big screen. The entire class sat in silence as we watched the news broadcast all that was going down in NYC. Many people lost their lives that day. As my Grandparents were around for the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, I was around for this. This day will always be remembered. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news? ~B
Monday, September 8, 2008
A case of the Mondays..
Today was my first day back to work in over a week and a half. I woke up late (I think my body is still on Hawaii time) and jumped in the shower. After I did my hair and everything, I burnt myself with the flat iron. I looked at the clock and was faced with a choice: I could either put on makeup or go to Starbucks! Coffee it is! I ran to the door, went to grab my keys, and keys were gone! This pissed me off to no end because I had placed the keys in that particular spot on purpose, to ensure I would not lose them. I called answer. UGH...I called him a few more times and finally he picked up. I asked him where the keys were and he said he didn't touch them, and that I must have misplaced them. I was INFURIATED. I knew for a FACT that the keys were there! I screamed at him and hung up! Now it is 8:03am and I have no coffee, I am 3 minutes late to work, and have no ride. I start tearing the house apart, thinking that they have to be somewhere. 8:15am...I find the keys in the pocket of Aaron's jeans that he had worn yesterday...hmmmm...I am right again. Needless to say...he got a really NASTY text! What do you do when you have a bad start to your day?? ~B
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Not rags to riches, Riches to Rags!
We're Back!!!!!!!

Last night at 9:35pm we touched down in SFO from our week long Hawaiian honeymoon! The second we landed, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. 4.1 I believe the news said. It made our plane go sideways and the plane got instantly silent. Aaron and I shared a worried glare, but then the plane finally straightened out, and then stopped and we were happy to be alive! Since we were on board, we didn't know there was an earthquake, so we just assumed we had the worst pilot ever! It wasn't until we got off the plane, that we heard about the quake. But regardless, it definitely did not ruin our trip! We had an AMAZING honeymoon. Aaron and I arrived at the Hyatt Regency in Maui and truly discovered the meaning of 'relaxation'!! The grounds were gorgeous and the weather was beautiful. I considered it to be my last 'hoorah' from my dad, considering the vacation was paid for by his American Express points before he died. It was bittersweet. My mom and step-dad had champagne and chocolate covered strawberries delivered to our room and we were so happy! Then the next night our dear friends Keith and Carol had a bottle of wine sent to our room. We felt so loved! While we were there, we took in the sights, snorkeled, swam with sea turtles, cruised around in our convertible Seabring, layed out by our amazing pool, drank endless Mai Tai's and Blue Hawaiian's, and watched a great Luau! My favorite excursion was the Sunset Dinner Cruise. We met really nice people while we were there too. It is great to meet new people who know not a single thing about you, and you can just get to know other people and learn about how they live. I loved being with Aaron the entire time. We finally got the chance to feel like a married couple. We were just so in love the entire time and I loved it. I am so blessed to have had such a great trip with a great man, from a great man.
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