Do you ever feel that your life is like a soap opera?? I am supposed to be planning the most exciting day of my life. To this point, it has been everything but exciting! For those of you who don't know, I don't really get a long to well with any of my immediate family (except for my brother). My dad, has a terminal illness. Along with that, comes a mental illness filled with rage and spite. He is doing everything in his power to cancel my wedding and I couldn't tell you why if you asked. It is painful for me that I have to parent my parents. My whole life has been a roller coaster. One week everyone gets along, the next day, they hate eachother. Boundaries have been seriously crossed and there is no turning back. How many chances do you HAVE to give someone, simply because they are your parents? All I can say is thank god for faith based counseling. Without that, Aaron and I would be utterly and completely insane. (Well more so than we are now!) Despite all the drama and negativity, I am keeping my head held high! This Saturday is my first bridal shower!! I am soooo excited! My wonderful fiance, along with his fabulous sister and mother are busy putting it together!! I am so lucky to have them. I notice how everyone's blogs are so happy and cheerful....I needed to post a real honest, not so fabulous post...I just needed to vent to anyone who will listen!! Any helpful hints as to how I ignore the negative????